The Center for Peace, a holistic spiritual teaching and healing center, is founded on a vision of inner peace available to all people. In our experience, inner peace is found in our awareness of the presence of the Creator (the Spirit Of Life In All Things).
Very aware of the power of personal belief systems, the Center for Peace encourages people to evaluate their beliefs as to whether they limit them or free them in their very personal spiritual journey.
Rather than teach a creed or doctrine about the Creator, the Center for Peace teaches people to discover the Creator on Its own terms: in Its Creations. Since any belief became limited the moment it stepped into the human mind, the Center relies more on experience than indoctrination. In doing so, it draws on what has worked for people throughout human history: ceremony, ritual, dance, shamanic practice, vision seeking, channeling, meditation, chanting, and prayer.
Perry approached spiritual teaching from a broad background of study and experience. A graduate of Maryville College and Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Perry was an active Presbyterian minister for eight years. In the 1970s, he took his personal quest outside the organized church.
A student and teacher of A Course in Miracles, Perry also wrote and spoke through inspiration of Spirit (sometimes called a conscious channel). Through meditation, he tapped personal Soul Memory which predates recorded history on this planet and brought some new insights into the Jesus incident. He brought messages into a world deeply involved in dramatic changes, not only in the earth and its climate but also in almost all human institutions. His work and practice helped restore the richness of a spiritual experience, personal identity, and a healed life to many.
Perry's vision was of a people who stand calmly amid the rubble of the past. His work brought help and healing to those who set their hands and hearts to building the promised New Heaven and Earth. Perry offered seminars and workshops on such topics as Spiritual Healing, Huna Shamanism, Tapping Soul Memory, Self Transformation, and Creating A New Future. Perry channeled personal information about life purpose and past lives. He helped people become aware of and understand of the person Jesus and his power to heal.
Perry crossed to the other side in February, 2020. His life is celebrated with love and joy. Get a true idea of the vision of Perry by reading the book, Perry's Ponderings, compiled by Steve Citty
A childhood experience with a South American shaman in the early 1950s gave Jeanne the mental preparation for the serious study of shamanism, which she would take up in 1988.
In 1989, Jeanne helped organize the Bear Drumming Circle, a group of practicing shamans in the East Tennessee area. In her shamanic practice, she does Spirit Mending (traditionally called Soul Retrieval), in which she retrieves parts of a person's consciousness that have been lost or shut down due to traumatic experiences. By retrieving this information, she helps people to begin reintegrating themselves towards wholeness.
In working shamanically with death and dying, Jeanne assists those who have laid their bodies down (earth-bound spirits) to complete their journey to the Light.
From a vision that she received in 1992, Jeanne has been working with a healing practice of ancient origin. Joseph Rael, Beautiful Painted Arrow, helped Jeanne to interpret and understand this vision. Much of the work connected with this vision is done at the Peace Sound Chamber.
Through her study and use of herbs and natural remedies, Jeanne has successfully kept her family quite healthy.
Jeanne is one of the original founders of the Center for Peace and an elder of the dance community. She lives at the Center with her son Todd. She became aware of South American Shamanism when she was a young child, and began the serious study of it in 1988. She is a shamanic healer, counselor and teacher. She also studies herbs and natur
Jeanne is one of the original founders of the Center for Peace and an elder of the dance community. She lives at the Center with her son Todd. She became aware of South American Shamanism when she was a young child, and began the serious study of it in 1988. She is a shamanic healer, counselor and teacher. She also studies herbs and natural remedies. She has been co-chief of the Long Dance, Drum Dance and the Women’s Web of Life Dance.
Steve became involved with the Center in 1994 and is currently the President of the Center For Peace. He helped build the Peace Sound Chamber and the dance arbor. He is chief of the SunMoon Dance and a minister of the Center For Peace ordained by Perry Robinson. Every Sunday Steve leads weekly chanting for peace. Steve is a massage therapist who lives in Knoxville.
Nan has been involved with the Center since 1994. She leads drum circles for peace, healing and spiritual awareness both at the Center and in downtown Knoxville. Following a dance vision, in 1999 Nan created Native Nurturing, a program for children focused on activities such as drumming, crafts, storytelling, dancing and a sweat lodge for
Nan has been involved with the Center since 1994. She leads drum circles for peace, healing and spiritual awareness both at the Center and in downtown Knoxville. Following a dance vision, in 1999 Nan created Native Nurturing, a program for children focused on activities such as drumming, crafts, storytelling, dancing and a sweat lodge for children. "we leave the lights on (doors open)"~ Nan
She has served as dance chief for the SunMoon Dance, the Drum Dance, and the Young People's Dance. She holds a monthly sweat lodge and drums for peace for the Ukraine at the Peace Sound Chamber every Sunday. Nan is a social worker in Maryville. Steve and Nan have been married since 1997
email Nan
The Center definitely found Ashley. She's participated in many different spiritual quests and continues to broaden her horizons. After living out west for about 10 years she is thrilled to be a part of this sacred place and be able to continue her never ending spritual journey on the east coast. You can find her helping with the Sweat Lodges and many other activities.
Teresa works hard for the Center. You can often find her working in the gift shop or taking the gift shop to the community. She is a dancer, a dance helper,and fire tender for the monthly sweat lodges. She is responsible for the amazing crystal grid housed in the Peace Sound Chamber. Hailing from Chattanooga, she now lives in Lenoir City
Teresa works hard for the Center. You can often find her working in the gift shop or taking the gift shop to the community. She is a dancer, a dance helper,and fire tender for the monthly sweat lodges. She is responsible for the amazing crystal grid housed in the Peace Sound Chamber. Hailing from Chattanooga, she now lives in Lenoir City. She is a visionary, teacher, life coach, and CEO of Real Soul Care. Her passion is to share how to dream again and have hope for the future.
Heather has been involved with the Center since she was in high school, when her parents Jeanne and Perry Robinson founded it. She is currently Vice President of the Center For Peace. Along with Jennilea Beem, Heather is chief for the Women's Web Dance. Often you can often find her and her son, Christopher, in the kitchen creating amazing
Heather has been involved with the Center since she was in high school, when her parents Jeanne and Perry Robinson founded it. She is currently Vice President of the Center For Peace. Along with Jennilea Beem, Heather is chief for the Women's Web Dance. Often you can often find her and her son, Christopher, in the kitchen creating amazing meals. She participates in the dances and usually helps in any way necessary to keep things running smoothly. She is a physical therapist assistant, and lives close by in Seymour.
Sandy lives within ½ a mile of the Center for Peace. Sandy is currently the Treasurer of the Center For Peace.She became involved with the Center soon after moving to the area in 2007. She has a Master of Education in Early Childhood and spent more than 35 years teaching young children and adults. Currently she teaches yoga and meditation
Sandy lives within ½ a mile of the Center for Peace. Sandy is currently the Treasurer of the Center For Peace.She became involved with the Center soon after moving to the area in 2007. She has a Master of Education in Early Childhood and spent more than 35 years teaching young children and adults. Currently she teaches yoga and meditation locally and on the internet. She is a drum circle facilitator and uses drumming to help with healing. Her spiritual practice began when she was in college and has always been foremost in her life.
After years of searching and exploring different spiritual paths, Lee found himself at the Center For Peace where he participated in sweat lodges and became a Fire Keeper.
Copyright © 2025 Center For Peace - All Rights Reserved.
Chanting and Drumming in the Chamber
We will resume Sunday, March 23
Sundays 12-1pm
Saturday March 1st
Fire Starts at 10
Friday, March 7th
Saturday, March 22nd