There will be an afternoon orientation, teaching, and sweat lodge on Friday. The Drum Dance and fasting begins immediately after the sweat lodge and ends sometime on Sunday.
Plan to arrive by noon on Friday. If you can arrive early, your help will be needed to prepare for the dance, including sweat lodge preparations, wood splitting, stone and pole gathering, ground preparation, etc. It is important for every dancer to be here for the beginning of the dance.
A food and water fast is recommended for the duration of the dance. Those who have special medical needs and/or who are taking medication may discuss it with the dance chief prior to the dance.
Dancers should bring pre-prepared or easily prepared food to share on the third day for a potluck feast after the dance ends. Bear in mind that the food which you bring for this feast must last for three days before it is eaten. There is limited refrigerator space at the Center for food storage.
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Chanting and Drumming in the Chamber
We will resume Sunday, March 23
Sundays 12-1pm
Saturday March 1st
Fire Starts at 10
Friday, March 7th
Saturday, March 22nd